Holiday Favorites Hit the Radio

man put leg on radio

It’s that time of year again, where many of the radio stations are turning from their genre of music and playing Christmas music for the holidays. For some people this is annoying but for me it is a wonderful tradition of the holiday season! I love to jump into my car, turn on the radio and be blasted with such songs as “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas” and “Is That You Santa Claus?” These songs are classic Christmas songs and just hearing them puts me in the Christmas spirit. I use to keep a lot of Christmas cd’s in my car to play during the holidays, but there is no need for them anymore as the radio stations have become quite well at providing the much needed holiday music at just the right time.

Most stores start putting Christmas products on the shelves way too early. Each year it seems to become earlier and earlier. This I have to admit bothers me a little because it causes Thanksgiving to get looked over a lot of times. The Christmas music being played in the stores and on the radio however doesn’t bother me but rather gets me ready for the season to come. Most radio stations will abstain from airing their Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving. I believe this is the perfect time to begin celebrating the season!

If you are having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year, I would recommend turning on your radio either in your house or in your car and tuning into one of the stations that plays constant Christmas music. It won’t be long before you too are in the spirit!

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